I finally bought a Wii, so I’m playing Super Paper Mario (thanks Houmi!). Very entertaining, although the switching to 3D thing becomes more a gimmick as you play. Still, very imaginative maps and characters.
I also bought Blue Dragon on the 360, and I’m impressed. This thing is HUGE, I can see in excess of 40 hours to complete the main story, and god knows how much more for the side quests. Some grinding may be required to see all the powers and skills, so I imagine I will be playing this on and off for quite a while. I’ve never been a fan of Toriyama (or manga in general), but the art direction is really good.
Finally, I watched Eastern Promises and 3:10 To Yuma. Eastern Promises is quite good, a contains a particularly brutal fight. Yuma was so-so; the story is good, and both Russell Crowe and Christian Bale deliver top notch performances, but I found many details of the script quite poorly done.