24 Jul 2007, 00:45

Games and demos

The Darkness: it’s fun, it’s creepy, it’s quite good. The 360 version looks way better than what I remember of the short PS3 testdrive I did a few weeks ago. Cutscene animations are very stiff.

Tomb Raider Legend: I finally sat down to play it through to the end. Very good platforming and puzzles, simplistic combat, and weird bosses with pretty bad (accelerated?) animations. Quite nice overall, and great value at $19.99.

Flatout Carnage demo: does all the things that made the original fun, with much better production. Might be worth it until, and even could coexist well with, the new Burnout.

Virtua Tennis 3 demo: fun but too simple. Perhaps the full game will have more depth, but I’ll to try a real demo first.

Blue Dragon demo: entertaining but repetitive, and with many quirks: crappy sound effects, way too much repetition in encounters. Final Fantasy X was the first japanese RPG that I enjoyed, and this doesn’t appear to beat it unless you just love Toriyama character designs.

Ace Combat 6 demo: nice visuals but I didn’t find it any fun.

Carcassone for Live Arcade: very neat little board game.

Oh and Prototype, the next game from Radical, has just been unveiled in the Game Informer cover.