14 Jun 2006, 17:15

Backwards compatibility

This is too funny. If you are a fan of Psychonauts, you might want to send Microsoft [an email](mailto:backcomp@microsoft.com?subject=Please support my favourite game) expressing your preferences for backwards compatibility support on the 360, but I suggest you get a bit more creative than a straight cut & paste of Tim Schaeffer’s text. 🙂

Rumour has it that Criterion’s Burnout team offered their support to make their XBox game work on the emulator, and ended up releasing a native (and awesome) version instead.

I for one keep rooting for Soul Calibur II to make it in the list. My brother Juan Carlos is one of the fabled “emulation ninjas” and he loves that game, so don’t be surprised if your own preferences are not heeded as quickly as you’d wish. In the end, support is based on market value of the title, or the sheer luck of the game actually working fine without any effort on the backcompat team.

But it never hurts to voice your opinions.