29 Mar 2006, 05:15

UPC 2006 Lecture Slides

Ah, GDC trip prevented me from uploading the slides from my lecture at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña on March 16th 2006. Here you go! Edit: Updated with the latest version of the slides.

They are in Spanish, and if you have read other slides from previous lectures, most of the material will ring a bell. Call me lazy, but there’s a reason for that: lectures aimed at general audiences (any student at the University) can’t dive too much on the details of technical issues or they will necessarily alienate parts of the audience who don’t have the necessary background. Therefore, I basically try to give a good overview of what’s involved in the business of professional videogame development: history, process, team composition and a few bits of philosophy. The real meat is in the Q&A session, anyway. 🙂

The Gamelab at the Universidad de Oviedo has kindly invited me to give another lecture on July 13th, and with the expectation of a fairly technical audience, it will contain new and more in-depth material.